Personal Brand Session 2.0 – Guadix Employment and Entrepreneurship Launchpad

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Personal Brand Session 2.0 – Guadix Employment and Entrepreneurship Launchpad

Post by jrine »

Tomorrow Tuesday I will be at the Guadix Employment and Entrepreneurship Launchpad , to give a session on Personal Brand 2.0.

The Lanzaderas are heterogeneous teams of unemployed people, with a dynamic, committed and supportive spirit, who voluntarily access this initiative, in order to reinforce their transversal skills by generating collective knowledge, to become visible and collaborate in a common goal: to get a job, either by creating it through an entrepreneurial project, or by working for someone else.

The technician in charge of the Guadix Shuttle, Olga Vaquero, wanted to count on me to close this edition of the program.

This is the second time I have participated in the Lanzaderas programme; I remember that the other time was in Pozoblanco (Córdoba), about four years ago.

I have always been interested in these initiatives. Since their creation in 2013, there have been 588 shuttles throughout Spain. Currently, 125 are operating.

The programme is built on solid foundations, built by the Santa María la Real Foundation -with José María Pérez “Peridis” leading a team of professionals from various disciplines- and thanks to the support of a wide network of partners, public institutions, companies, associations and foundations with a long history list of telegram users in iran and prestige, who have believed in this innovative project and have collaborated financially to launch various Launch Pads, improving the social and labour integration of unemployed people.

A Program promoted by the Santa María la Real Foundation , the Telefónica Foundation , the Andalusian Regional Government , the Guadix City Council , with co-financing from the European Social Fund .

With this action, the Guadix Employment and Entrepreneurship Launch Pad concludes a training, sharing and project preparation programme, which started in October last year and which has had 20 unemployed people (13 women and 7 men), aged between 23 and 58 years.
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