Going to the bank for a loan is not the only option. You can find an investor. Investments allow you to create a new product or scale up an existing production.
What you need to know before looking for an investor
Preparing to find an investor
How to understand how much money you need
Where to find a sponsor
How startups are deceived
Expert advice
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Finding an investor is not difficult if you know where to look
It seems that investments are about technology startups and IT mailing database companies in Silicon Valley. However, classic businesses also need them. Thanks to investments, an entrepreneur receives:
financing for the development of existing ideas;
a fresh look from an “outsider” who is also concerned about the profitability of the project;
additional contacts that come with third-party investments;
an increase in the importance of the company after investing in it.
As you can see, investments bring not only financial injections to a business, but also business connections, recognition and much more. However, you will not be able to find a sponsor on the street. You will have to show persistence, resourcefulness and foresight.
The process is not simple, let's study it more closely.
What you need to know before looking for an investor
Only legal entities can count on investments that are shown in films. Those who invest money in your company, in return, become participants in the company. Because.
What if your own funds are not enough
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