CIRBE and the banking pool, do they coincide?

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CIRBE and the banking pool, do they coincide?

Post by jrineakter01 »

The company needs financing, credit seems to be starting to flow, economic prospects seem to be improving, we go to the bank and present a new project, and soon we have the list of documentation that we must provide, various taxes, advances of the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts and the banking pool . Financial institutions request the banking pool to see the risks that the requesting company has with other banks , but in case someone falls into the russia mobile number whatsapp temptation of manipulating this information, or in case it has any kind of error, they compare it with the CIRBE.

The Central Risk Information Centre of the Bank of Spain (CIRBE) is a public but confidential database that contains the risks that credit institutions have with their clients . This database contains the outstanding balances of loans, as well as practically all loans, credits, guarantees, and risks in general that financial institutions have with their clients.

Can CIRBE be reconciled with the banking pool?
In order to balance the CIRBE and the banking pool, the accounting must be complete and free of any error that distorts its true image , and all transactions must be recorded up to the month in which they are compared with the CIRBE. For the correct accounting of operations, the figure of the Accounting Manager is essential to ensure that bank liabilities are duly recorded.

But even if all transactions are perfectly recorded, there may be different accounting criteria for the long and short term that make it difficult to reconcile.


It should also be noted that financial institutions do not have to declare credits for amounts less than 6,000 euros , so this is where we may find more difficulty since risks that we have contracted below this report may not be declared in the CIRBE.

In any case, if the photo is not identical, it should be as similar as possible, since the risk analysts of the financial institutions will quickly identify what may be an error and what could be a manipulation with the aim of accessing bank financing .

We must also clarify that in certain liability operations, the limits granted must be provided , in addition to those provided, since it is certain that if we appear as a guarantor in the CIRBE, we will be asked for explanations regarding said guarantees.
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