In addition, the 'finder' can be rewarded, such as Hanny van Arkel who was allowed to give her name to a celestial body that she found during a project of Galaxy Zoo, and which is now known as ' Hanny's Voorwerp '. With the game techniques, various research projects and companies know how to increase the audience's tension.
Hanny van Arkel babe in space
Hanny van Arkel and Hanny's Object.
Research shows that there are three main motivations for crowds to participate: austria mobile phone number list for love, for fame or for money. However, those who think they can completely and structurally outsource tasks to the crowd are disappointed. The company DigitalGlobe, owner of the satellite images, carefully considers per disaster or situation whether to make the images available to the public via Tomnod.
Another challenge is crowd control. Hanny’s refreshing perspective led to the discovery of the unusually shaped object that would normally have been overlooked by scientists, if it had been found at all. However, the crowd’s eagerness can also lead to extra homework due to an abundance of extra data when the public mistakes clouds en masse for possible wreckage, something that would not happen to a trained expert. It can also be wrongly thought that an area is free of wreckage, because the public does not know what to look for.
Public enthusiasm can go too far
The public’s enthusiasm can also go too far. The police app is useful for recording and reporting incidents and crimes, but it can encourage citizens to chase perpetrators, putting themselves in danger.