Educate your audience

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Educate your audience

Post by arafatenzo »

Even though you have a good number of visits, do you feel like your project is struggling to reach its pre-established objectives?

Ask yourself a question: does your site offer useful content or is it based almost solely on promoting your product/service?

Nowadays, visitors are distracted and bored: their attention span is very low and if they are not “entertained” by something really interesting, they tend to abandon websites very quickly.

There is an infinite amount of content on the web jordan phone number related to your topic and, surely, there are those who offer a product/service similar to yours (able to solve the same need).

What is the solution ?

You don’t have to just try to “sell”, you have to provide your visitors with useful, interesting, valuable content: the solution is to create a blog based on content marketing.

If you don't have one yet, here's the link to one of the most read articles in Italy: How to create a blog

Content Marketing, Blogging & Conversions
You have probably already heard that thanks to your blog, writing articles can improve the SEO of your site. Have you ever wondered what the reasons are? Soon they will be clear to you.
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