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Customer segment examples 

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 4:43 am
by ishanijerin1
*The data in parentheses indicates the data being used.

Users who launched the app at least once in the last 7 days (Condition specification/In-app behavior)
Women/men who visited a store within 30 days and launched the app (Condition specification/User attributes/In-app behavior/Store visit)
Users who have not launched the app for 7 days (Condition specification/In-app behavior)
Users who launched the app for fusion database the first time yesterday (specified conditions/in-app behavior)
Female/male users living in a certain prefecture who launched the app at least once a week (specify conditions/user attributes/in-app behavior)
First-time Installer (Condition Specification/In-App Action)
DAU: Daily Active Users (Criteria/In-App Behavior)
WAU: 7-day active users (specified criteria/in-app behavior)
MAU: 28-day active users (specified criteria/in-app behavior)

The segments introduced here are just a few examples, but we now need to design measures to target these segments, determining "what to deliver and how."

I will introduce more about that in my next blog post.

In addition, although we have not covered this in this blog, by defining user stages, scenarios, and funnels/KPIs in addition to data integration, you will be able to proceed smoothly with the 2nd and 3rd steps.

▼ Reference article

If your app is not working, you should review how to define your user stages.
If your app is not working, you should review how to define your user stages.
Do you have concerns like the usage of your current app is not increasing, or the usage is not leading to the expected results? For those of you who are in such a situation, we would like you to reconsider "user..."
"Scenario design" to provide optimal customer experiences
"Scenario design" to provide optimal customer experiences
Recently, more and more people are thinking about using their own apps as part of their omnichannel strategy to grow their business. On the other hand, there are many people who are not able to make good use of the apps they have created.
At iRidge, we support everything from planning and UI/UX design before app development to promoting downloads and operation/utilization after app development.

If you would like to know more about app development and app marketing, or if you have concerns about digital transformation or data utilization, please feel free to contact us.