One of the phrases about marketing

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One of the phrases about marketing

Post by zihadhosenjm55 »

One of the phrases about marketing (and life) that has stuck with me the most (in life) is one I heard from a marketer I admire a lot. His name is Carlos Correa .

«Make your job sexy.»

I don't know if that's his phrase, but I've only heard it from him. And that was over 10 years ago, I think, in the annals of Twitter. Annals, LOLOLOLOL What a funny word... sorry, I'm 15.

Focus, Marmot. Focus.

Let's get back to the sexy and ignore the annals.

Marketing is inherently sexy, or it should be. And of course, the same goes for Personal Branding.

Marketing is about seduction, about enticing, about attracting.

But if we step outside that context, all work can be sexy. And yes, I'm including things that are counterintuitive, like sweeping a street.

Now, just because your job or your Personal Brand is sexy doesn't mean you're going to bite your lips and show cleavage. Especially if your name is Ivan. PLEASE NO!

But you can make what you do more beautiful, for yourself and for others, and you will enjoy it more. And so will others.

A while ago I started taking advice from a financial coach. We'll call him Dimitri. Well... because his name is Dimitri.

The fact is that at one point he asked me to show him my budgets. I proudly showed him my Excel spreadsheets, because it is a very complete spreadsheet, with detailed information from several years ago.

The first thing he said to me, more or less, was "And why is that so ugly?"

And he was right.

It was a complete painting, but ugly. Uglier than Scott's emulsion.

Since I made it pretty, with some colors, neat and separated vietnam email address tables, I feel more like working on my budget.

I hadn't realized it, but before that change I was too lazy to look at my budgets. I did it as a way of controlling expenses. Dimitri opened my eyes and since then I enjoy that subject more.

The same thing happens with eeeerything in life. Everything. Todesky. Todè. Todeishon.

Coming back to the cleavage, sexy isn't about sex per se. At least in this context. It's about making something attractive, pretty, eye-catching. The key word is that first one. Something that attracts us.


A good coffee, with a nice smell, well presented... is attractive.

A proposal with matching colors, personality and, of course, good content, is attractive.

A Personal Brand coach, with a good sense of humor, good knowledge, entertaining, fun, sexy… is attractive.

Besides, when you know you have a good product, and you think it's attractive, it gives you confidence. And that shows in your attitude, which makes you more attractive. That's why there are very good salespeople, who sell with attitude.

Because nothing sells more than passion, the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about your product or service.

And when I say all your work can be more attractive, I mean all of it.
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