Within SNS REAAL, the responsibility for online reputation management lies with Corporate Communications. I am convinced that establishing guidelines is not a panacea. Awareness is created by talking a lot about the subject and sharing examples. And so we often present on the subject, with the discussion as the most enjoyable part. Because “you yourself are the best ambassador of your brand”, people know. The question “what is possible and what is not?” touches on a grey area.
Gray area
example tweetAnyone who is active on social media has rephrased a message or deleted it afterwards. For example, because you noticed that the recipient interpreted your message completely differently than you intended. Where white ends and gray begins is often very personal. But it helps if you have thought about it beforehand. Is it okay to be bored at the office? And paraguay mobile phone number list is it okay to share that on social media? Are you okay to say that after four months you are still surprised by your colleagues every day, or to express your dissatisfaction online about the experiences you have as a customer with your employer? Colleagues also enjoy having that discussion. It is often the reason that our presentations run late.
In addition, we share remarkable examples that we encounter online via internal communication channels. Such as this example where someone posts on Twitter that he is sitting behind a group of colleagues on the train who are going through customer data
Screen dump SNS REAAL
By the way, this doesn't always have to be done in a very serious way... (thanks to the talents of IT colleague JP Blom)
Illustration JP Blom
4. Increase awareness
Precisely because of the existence of that grey area, an e-learning has recently been developed in line with the new guidelines. In this, colleagues go through various cases in ten minutes that highlight the ten do's and don'ts. In some cases, we also deliberately provide a list of choices where the correct answer is not included, so that colleagues have to make a choice themselves about what they do or do not find okay. It is mainly about awareness, with the aim of mapping the playing field and the actors. The e-learning is therefore not mandatory. Nevertheless, it is quite a success, because in the first two weeks 15% of the employees already registered.