What is your strategy?

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What is your strategy?

Post by Bappy32 »

Bilingual profiles: to do or not to do?
There were many questions about whether or not to have a bilingual profile, Dutch and English. And why would you do this and why not? If you create a bilingual profile, LinkedIn sets the English version to default. Not very handy if you are only active on the Dutch market. Why? Only the default profile is included in the Google indexing.

ScreenHunter_576 Feb. 12 09.21

It is important to think carefully about the strategy you are implementing with LinkedIn. Do you have a strategy?

I only link with people I know.
I don't connect with colleagues.
I keep my private and business life strictly separated.
I connect with everyone, I have no strategy.
I will leave a value judgment in the middle, but think carefully about this! bolivia mobile phone number list Why? Because you can view the data up to your third-degree connections. This helps with defining a specific target group within, for example, a certain region. So think carefully about your 'LinkedIn policy' (or link policy) and collect as many relevant connections as possible in your first and second degree.

But also think about how you deal with inviting people. Do you write a personal message here? And how do you deal with someone who wants to 'connect', but you don't know him or her? Interesting things to think about if you want to actively expand your network online. Because in this way you are working constructively with LinkedIn and your network can really be of added value.

Orange is involved online
The last part of the congress consisted of two plenary sessions again. Frank Jan Risseeuw of ING Netherlands was the first. In an involved manner, he took the audience through ING's approach and setup with regard to LinkedIn. Of course, he also sketched a complete picture and it is nice to see that a bank deals with the strategic use of social media in this way. The story is told in this video .


Profiling and psychology
Last but not least, it was Mischa Coster and Richard van der Blom's turn. In this last keynote of the day, the guest speakers took the visitors into the world of profiling and psychology based on Cialdini's principles of influence. How is your company experienced by your target group? What makes your company unique and how do you convey these values? Is your offline proposition in line with what can be found about your company online? What matters is that you try to find the right timing. When do you apply which influence strategy and why?

With funny, striking and fun examples, the various principles of Cialdini are discussed and explained how you can apply them to LinkedIn. In any case, make sure you have answers to the following questions when it comes to (online) profiling:

Find and emphasize similarities between you and your followers.
Discover the WHY of your company and communicate it.
Only communicate differentiators (unique selling points).
Use social proof for image building.
Pay attention to consistent behavior.
Give gifts to your followers.
After this closing presentation of the day, there was still enough time to ask the experts all sorts of questions during the drinks. I myself look back on a fun and interesting day. The organization was well put together and everything went smoothly. The profit point for the next edition lies mainly in the depth and choice of subjects of the workshops.

The photos in this article were taken by Punkmedia .
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