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Session Communication 2.0 applied to Events – CEMED

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:12 am
by jrine
This week , the course “Protocol, Events and Communication” is being held at the Mediterranean Center of the University of Granada , organized by the International School of Protocol of Granada , under the Academic Direction of Manuela Suárez and the Coordination of Alejandra González .

The main objective of this training action is the application of basic organizational techniques to certain areas of our society that develop a large part of their work in direct relation to the italy telegram data organization of events, understood as a manifestation of the institution's own activity, or as an essential part of its communication strategy.

The course, which is dynamic and contains practical content, aims to ensure that students become familiar with protocol in its different aspects, both in business and institutional matters. To achieve this, 5 blocks have been established (one per day):

It will be a pleasure to share my experience with excellent professionals such as those mentioned, as well as to contribute my “grain of sand” so that students have an updated and quality understanding of the importance of Communication 2.0 in the world of events.Everyone knows that Instagram has been booming over the past two years. Its numbers are only growing and growing… In terms of active users, degree of influence, minutes of daily viewing… Facebook ’s “little sister” is undoubtedly growing up, and the rest of the world knows it.

Three years ago, VERO was created by Lebanese billionaire Ayman Hariri (who is credited with a fortune of over $13 billion) . This is an Instagram-like platform that many influencers have already begun to use. As VERO claims, it is an ad-free platform (for now), which not only allows you to publish graphic content, but also texts, links to other pages, etc., which makes it very interesting for brands .