There are many changes that are appearing on social networks in this year that is coming to an end... Facebook, after implementing a series of changes in its algorithm, is back in the fight to "chase" the pages of companies, brands, public figures... in short, corporate pages, that try to incite the users of its social network to undertake some action.
What does it mean to take action?
Well, it's simple, pages will no longer be able to post their typical phrases to gain likes, shares or interactions in general, such as:
It is not a financial fine or a 2-year prison sentence, but the penalty can be very damaging to the interests of companies (pages) that continue to carry out these practices. For example, the publication in question will be shown to a much smaller number of people , so it will lose its strength. Imagine, if the publications were already shown very little (organically), with this “penalty” the reach would be minimal…
But that's not all... If the page is a regular in these practices, Facebook may "put" your page on a kind of "black list", in which not only the mentioned publication will be israel telegram mobile phone number list penalized, but the page as a whole, so that it will be marked as "less relevant" , and the page as a whole (with all its publications) will have less reach .
Although this social media giant indicates that what it seeks is to increase the quality of its publications, and to post valuable and creative content that can get interactions on its own, let me tell you that I also see a direct “funnel” towards its payment policy. That is, if brands can no longer request the help of their followers with the aforementioned phrases to gain repercussion and impact, they will have no choice but to pay for their content to be displayed more and better.
I am a staunch defender of the quality of content, images, posts… but I also defend that asking your followers to share or interact with a post is not harmful to them, it is simply a way of reaching further without having to “pay” . It should be the users of the social network themselves, who, through their collaboration or ignoring such proposals, dictate the level of the posts (and of the pages themselves).
Furthermore, we often forget that what is requested from our professional Facebook pages are shares and interactions for very necessary causes such as making breast cancer prevention more visible , raising funds for children , promoting a night race against animal abuse , and so on.
Unfortunately, we will have to “jump through hoops” , since it takes enough work to get 6 to 10% of our “likes” seen , so that we are not penalized and this (terrible) indicator goes down.