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42. Productivity and Time Management:

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 9:36 am
by zihadhosenjm80
42. Productivity and Time Management: Get More Done.
Best Online Business Courses Productivity and Time Management
Instructor: Brian Cervino

Productivity and Time Management: Get More Done is a free Skillshare course where Brian Cervino, the Product Marketing Manager at Trello demonstrates tools, tactics, and tips which can help make your day more productive. Although the course includes a section on how you can use Trello to improve your productivity, Brian covers other time-saving products as well.

Freelancing & Consulting: The Best Online Business Courses for Freelancing
Want to land your first paying freelance client and build the path to becoming a six-figure consultant? These courses are for you.

43. Writing a Winning Freelance Proposal.
Best Online Business Courses Writing a Winning Freelance Proposal
Instructor: Me! (Ryan Robinson)

If you are a freelancer looking to improve your client roster, then this course of mine is austria phone number material for you. Writing a Winning Freelance Proposal will help you to write more effective freelance proposals. I have designed it for writers, designers, marketers, developers, coaches, and artists who want to become more effective at pitching their services, winning more and better clients. Even if you are unsure whether you would benefit from this course, I offer a free High-Converting Freelance Proposal Template which is sure to be useful to virtually any freelancer.

44. Building and Branding a Creative Business.
Best Online Business Courses Going Freelance
Instructors: Claire Wasserman and Justin Gignac

Claire Wasserman, founder of Ladies Get Paid, an organization helping women achieve their professional goals, and Justin Gignac, co-founder of Working Not Working, a community of quality creatives, combine to teach Going Freelance: Building and Branding Your Own Success. This course is an overview of what it means to go freelance. It includes topics on developing a strong body of work, crafting a portfolio, marketing yourself on social media, pitching, authentic networking, and setting yourself up for financial success.

45. Command the Fees You Deserve.
Best Online Business Courses Command the Fees You Deserve
Instructor: Ilise Benun

Ilise Benun is a business expert focusing exclusively on creative professionals. In Command the Fees You Deserve, she guides creative freelancers through marketing, pricing, and booking freelance work. She teaches you how to land clients who value your services, and how to sift good clients from bad