4 online tools that every web writer needs

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4 online tools that every web writer needs

Post by Abdur11 »

Neil Gaiman, a British writer and avid social media user, once said in a speech: “I learned to write by writing.” What Neil didn’t say is that there are some tools that can help — a lot! — in that process, avoiding spelling mistakes, repetition of ideas and other common mistakes.

To write well, you need to practice a lot, have good content , clarity of ideas and, above all, good references. However, whether in Spanish or in any other language, doubts and difficulties will eventually arise when writing, no matter how literate you are.

That's why grab a notebook and pay attention to the 4 online tools every web writer needs to shine!

Talent - Editors Mexico
Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy
The RAE dictionary is among the best and most complete phone number philippines online dictionaries of the Spanish language. It is an incredible reference for editors who need to resolve their doubts about the meaning of certain words or their spelling. Any type of error — especially spelling errors — compromises the quality and credibility of the text, causing the reader to lose interest in the content.

In addition to being a reliable source, the RAE has information that other dictionaries do not have, such as a list of synonyms, examples of sentences with the word used, etc. Therefore, be sure to consult the dictionary whenever you have a question!

Online Synonyms Dictionary
The best way to demonstrate mastery of a topic, apart from offering good content obviously, is to use a good vocabulary – or lexicon, if you prefer. Using different words to talk about the same thing makes the text richer and more enjoyable to read. Therefore, avoid repeating the same word several times, unless it is a keyword, of course.


Usually, repeating the same words over and over happens when the writer can't find a good synonym for the term that insists on appearing in every paragraph. To solve this problem, there is Online Synonyms , a database with more than 30 thousand words perfectly catalogued with others that may have a similar meaning.
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