What is intertextuality?

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What is intertextuality?

Post by Fgjklf »

Even if you don't produce texts, intertextuality is certainly present in your routine.

Writers seek inspiration from events, experiences, historical figures, other writers, and also other texts. And it is specifically in this last source of inspiration that intertextuality is inserted.

In other words, intertextuality can be explained as the relationship or influence between two or more texts ; considering the references that exist between them.

This means that intertextuality is an element of writing, germany phone number resource with the purpose of rescuing models and parameters already established in other texts.

Even if unintentionally, we end up using these references automatically in our textual productions.

It is important to highlight that the element is not only present in the work of writers or content producers, it also occurs in:

emails ;
personal messages;
journalistic publications.
The great advantage of intertextuality is that, when used strategically and intelligently, it can enrich the text , as it allows a certain subject to be explained in a complete way.

And the easiest way to understand the subject is by knowing its classifications and types. So, continue reading and understand how to apply this element in your next productions.

Intertextuality and its classifications
Intertextuality can be divided into two categories: implicit and explicit. Learn a little more about each of them below!

Implicit intertextuality
Since it cannot be noticed by the reader in the text, this modality is difficult to identify. This means that implicit intertextuality does not establish a direct relationship with the source text , and does not bring clear elements that help in its recognition.

Explicit intertextuality
In the explicit modality, as the name suggests, readers have no difficulty identifying the elements and quickly making a connection with the source text . In this case, there is no need for prior knowledge to understand the intertextual element.
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