Now that we’ve looked at the nature of attacks against VoIP phone systems, what can you do to keep your system secure and protect it from abuse? There are a number of different techniques that can be applied.
Protection starts with basic australia telegram network security. Ensuring that your network traffic is secure helps to secure the voice traffic that it shares space with. Having an effective firewall that is SIP-aware is a good first step. This will protect the network while still allowing incoming calls to get through.
Increasingly, companies are turning to encryption so that if data is intercepted it is useless to the hacker. This can be done in a number of ways and at a number of levels, but it needs to be applied with care. You can eEncrypt the signalling from your Internet gateway using something called Session Initiation Protocol over Transport Layer Security (SIP over TLS). Depending on your service provider you may find that its switch system does this for you.
It’s best to apply encryption by segment, user, or device. This is because applying encryption indiscriminately to all traffic is likely to result in added network latency, leading to a slowing down of traffic. In addition, there is the potential to build in un-needed complexity and operational overhead.
You should also make use of virtual private networks (VPNs). These are particularly useful for establishing network connections from remote phones such as business mobiles using the VoIP system. If HTTPS or SRTP protocols are not available, the use of a VPN to secure connections is even more essential.