1. Find a Profitable Niche (That You Care About).

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1. Find a Profitable Niche (That You Care About).

Post by zihadhosenjm90 »

1. Find a Profitable Niche (That You Care About).
Business ideas don’t just fall down out of the sky. They’re not delivered by a magic genie. And while you can find a lot of inspiration on the types of businesses you should consider starting, you shouldn’t pursue a random idea just because someone told you it’s a good idea.

In a study by CB Insights covered on Forbes, a whopping 22% of failed startup founders cite their primary reason for failure as either never having a true interest in what they were building or losing focus on the goal they set out to achieve.

Put simply, they were never really interested in their business concept.

The best business ideas come from your strongest areas of interest.

"The best business ideas come from your strongest areas of interest."
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I’m so adamant about only building a business around a real interest of mine afghanistan phone number database I’ve chased pure market opportunities in the past, without really caring about what I was building… it doesn’t end well.

When the going gets rough (it will), you need to be motivated beyond just the lure of dollar signs (and more than just a stable of motivational quotes to get you through If you’re only in it for the money, you’ll either give up or be quickly pushed out of the market by people who genuinely care about what they’re doing and the people they’re helping—they’ll be more motivated than you.

If you’re not sure what your interests are, or which of them may potentially lead to a profitable business opportunity, start by answering these questions:

What are your hobbies?
What is the most meaningful part of your day?
What are some topics you could enjoy writing a 1,000 word article about?
What do you love doing?
What is an achievement that’d make you feel particularly proud of yourself?
Are there any specific aspects or functions that you love about your job?
How about any childhood dreams you still find intriguing?
If you had to choose just 1 thing to be remembered by, what would it be?
For my challenge to validate a business idea, I went through these questions and landed on 3 general topic areas I knew I could potentially build a business around—I didn’t know how or what, but that’s not important at this stage.
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