Learn how to prepare yourself to work on Android legacy code.
How to work with Android Legacy Code
New project with legacy code – seriously?
One day I learned that I am going to work on a new Android project. I was full of enthusiasm, excited and curious about how my work will look like over the next months! Then I learned about some facts that seemed disappointing to me.
It turned out, that the project was bulgaria phone number developed some time ago by other developers, who I don’t know, and it is written in Java (Kotliners know what I mean). One look at the code and I already knew I am going to work on a legacy code.
First, I thought Oh no, seriously, do I have to work on that shit?!
giphyBut after a cup of calming tea, I pulled myself together and changed my mind. I started thinking of this situation as a challenge. I told myself: Come on man, you can tame the monster. It can be a nice adventure!
If you facing a similar situation keep reading. I hope you will find some pieces of advice that can help you.
Look at a Gradle file
So, you have got the Android project code base and you are about to start working on it but you do not really know what things are ahead. Good point to start discovering your project is to look inside a Gradle file – build configuration script that contains a bunch of useful information giving you a good project overview.
Diving Into Android Legacy Code
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:42 am