We are on the verge of a serious revolution in the mobile world. Read about 5 changes we can expect in 3-5 years from now.
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The mobile world seems to be changing and developing way faster than for example web and PC ones.
Try to think about your first numero bulgarie smartphone – what kind of features it had? How big was the screen? Compare it to what you have now in stores.
Brands and models considered not worth any attention two years ago now catch up with the top ones. Multiple fantastic features appeared and many people don’t even know about them!
We are on the verge of a serious revolution and there are five symptoms signalling that in 3-5 years from now, the mobile world will be completely different compared to what we have now.
1. Shift change
I remember when I was choosing a new phone two years ago I smiled at e.g. Honors, Huaweis, Xiaomis indulgently and was rather focusing on Samsungs and LGs.
Things That May Soon Turn Mobile World Upside Down
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