Creating an input screen for workflow initiation

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Creating an input screen for workflow initiation

Post by ishanijerin1 »

Next, create a screen for inputting information when a workflow is started. You can create a screen like the one below to input the workflow subject, approver, date and time for publishing the content, etc.

The workflow initiation screen is defined in an XML file.

You can define input items in a format similar to HTML forms, such as "text", "textarea", and "select". You can also specify required input and check input content using regular why choose vk database expressions. You can use JavaScript to implement complex screen display processing, such as displaying another input item when a certain item is selected.

The information entered on the form creation screen can be passed to tasks within that workflow. For example, by passing the approver selected at the time of creation to the content publication confirmation user task, that user will be able to press the "Approve" or "Reject" button for the content publication confirmation.
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